lines = [ [int(j) for j in list(i)] for i in open("input.txt", 'r').read().splitlines()] summa = 0 lowList = [] for x in range(len(lines)): for y in range(len(lines[x])): v = lines[x][y] l = 9 if x == 0 else lines[x-1][y] r = 9 if x == len(lines)-1 else lines[x+1][y] u = 9 if y == 0 else lines[x][y-1] d = 9 if y == len(lines[x])-1 else lines[x][y+1] if v < l and v < r and v < u and v < d: summa += 1 + v lowList.append((x,y)) for p in lowList: size = 0 print(summa) print(lowList)